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SKU: 08810/200 Category: Tags: ,


Synthesis ECO-MV 0W-20 is a high-performance, synthetic engine oil suitable for passenger cars.

It is low viscosity, which gives high engine efficiency and fuel economy over a large range of temperatures. The high-quality base oils provide protection and excellent circulation capabilities with cold weather starts.

High levels of engine cleanliness, hardware protection and reduced wear are some of the long-term benefits of the high-quality additive technology featured in this product.

Product Code: 08810
  • Outstanding contribution to fuel economy and emissions reduction
  • Enhanced low-temperature capabilities for outstanding cold weather starting
  • Excellent protection in the most stressful of modern engines
  • Outstanding engine cleanliness
  • Low volatility levels
  • High-temperature deposit and anti-sludge control
  • Increase film strength under high temperatures and stress
Performance Specifications, Approvals & Recommendations

ACEA C5 & C6
MB 229.71 & MB 229.72
Opel OV 040 1547
Ford WSS-M2C947-B1 FORD M2C947-A1, M2C962-A
Fiat 9.55535-GSX, 9.55535-DSX, 9.55535-DM1
Chrysler MS-12145
JLR STJLR 03-5006
Renault RN17FE
Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE

Collection Available: You can collect this Rock Oil Synthesis Eco-MV product from our Welding Supplies Shop in Slough (near London Heathrow Airport). Call for collection times and availability.

Additional information

Weight 200 kg
Dimensions 110 × 80 × 80 cm


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